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May 21, 2002

May 21, 22,23 and perhaps forever (see notes) My car broke down and was towed away to Orderville. I have not seen it since. The wind has blown for three days it has rained one day and it has been cold ALL days. There was no wood in the wood box. There was no wood … Continue reading »

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April 7, 2002

4/7/02 Here writes engaged couple number 3 in attendance at the cabin this weekend. Jana & Phil, Jennie, Jason, Annalee, Tim & our fearless chaperones, Nellie & Roland are here this weekend enjoying sunshine & the good word as we listen to conference. We have been treated to fabulous food as usual, but the funnest … Continue reading »

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November 5, 2001

November 5th, 2001 I have been here for 3 days. I brought my painting clothes to finish the deck. I didn’t. It is very peaceful here. There is nobody anywhere. – Not exactly true. I went to the resort to get water and there was a car parked in front. Later I was mooching down … Continue reading »

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October 27, 2001

October 27, 2001 Today we celebrated the first annual Roland Lee Family reunion. We all arrived Friday evening and had a yummy fajita dinner provided by Jodi & Kyle (Simmons) & Jennie. Jon, Jolynn, Travis, and Alyssa slept in the newly fixed up teen cabin. Grandpa Roland & Gramma Nellie in the honeymoon cabin, and … Continue reading »

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October 23, 2001

October 2001 We (The Lee Family and Friends) have been here several times this month – not to relax and enjoy – but to repair and renew. Let me list for you the things we done this month: 1. Trimmed windows and soffitt on teen cabin (Jon and Roland did that one Monday afternoon) 2. … Continue reading »

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August 17, 2001

I Kyle Simmons with my partner Jodi Simmons witnessed a family of four wild turkeys migrating eastward through camp on the 17th day of August, 2001. I tried to approach them for a more thorough inspection but was unable to catch them. Kyle Simmons

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July 10, 2001

10 July 2001 When you come to the end of a perfect day. I got here last night at about 6 o’clock. Unloaded. Ate a cheese sand. Laid the fire and went to bed. 11 July. I woke up at daybreak and went about my assigned duties. I got water from the resort & washed … Continue reading »

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July 4, 2001

4 July 2001 To continue our family tradition of spending July 4th at the cabin, Roland, Nellie, Jon, Jolynn, Travis, and Alyssa packed up and headed up the mountain. With flags taped to his toy tractor, Travis led Alyssa in a little parade around the cabin. We also had a great “cabin breakfast.” Jon and … Continue reading »

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June 23, 2001

Fathers Day Project June 23 2001 What a wonderful Fathers Day gift from my kids!! My dear children wanted to help me fix up the cabin and came up with a wonderful present. They all pitched in and gave me a check for $1650 and a solid day’s labor. I about cried because it really … Continue reading »

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June 5, 2001

5 June 2001 This is not the first cabin trip of the season. I came in late April and the fami-lee came and painted. This journal was misplaced and only recently surfaced. I pulled in at about 4:00. The air was warm & still. I unpacked my stuff, tidied up. I put the chairs outside, … Continue reading »

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