May 29, 2001

May 29 2001 – Nell’s Birthday & Work Project
Work force included: Nellie, Roland, Jim & Barbie, Jennie, Jodi & Jana and Kyle. Jodi and Kyle started painting the honeymoon cabin, soon joined by Jennie, Jana & Roland.

Jimmie replaced some boards in the deck and made some major repairs. Kayson and Christian (and their cool hats) helpted the grounds crew pickup pine cones. When the honeymoon cabin had its fresh new shiny red coat on, we turned our attention to the main cabin. With the paint left, we worked on the front, with Barbie at the top of the big ladder painting the gables. She was the only one brave enough, and fit enough to make the climb.

While all that was going on, Kyle got out his professional window cleaning gear and gave the cabin a complete overhaul inside and out. When he was done, we had the cleanest windows that cabin had EVER seen! After a long and tiring day, we celebrated Nellie’s birthday and opened presents.

On Sunday, we all took showers at the Lodge then drove in to Orderville to go to church. The weather was beautiful and the cabins were wonderful.


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May, 2001

May 2001
This summer is turning out to be our best year yet at the cabin. We’ve spent more time there and fixed the cabins up more than ever before.


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October 14, 2000

October 14, 2000

Back to the cabin for possibly the last visit of the year. I (Matthew) and the two ‘Fros (Nellie and Trisha). I don’t know how I got roped into coming with these two birds but here I am. I think after the first couple hours I became numb to their comments about how cold it was. Trisha has donned her polar coat and I a instantly reminded of the scene from “A Christmas Story” when Randy gets all bundled up and can’t put his arms down. It has been a real thrill to be up here. The two party animals who brought me spend their time reading, talking about scrapbooks, and planning Dutch Christmas. I also brought a book so I’m not completely bored. On our way up to the cabin we stopped at the Switchback Restaurant for dessert at about 12:30 in the afternoon. I had a turkey sandwich, Aunt Trisha had something truly decadent and Aunt Nellie had something that I can’t spell, but it rhymes with hip-hip-hooray. For the most part, the cabin is the same place. Although, I must give Kudos for the new outhouse – it’s the bomb-diggity. The sun is shining, the full moon has finally set and I’m pleased to say that I’m finished writing in the book. I was forced.

Matt Eves

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October 8, 2000

Oct 8, 2000
A big group of us from the BYU 41st ward (et. al) came up for the conference weekend. Most arrived Friday evening, but a load of us came on Friday night. We arrived at the Ponderosa at about 1am, with Jennie’s map in hand. We took it a little too literally, and got horribly lost. Jason just got a new SUV, so he felt good about driving over low bushes and small trees. I don’t think we ever saw a road for about 45 minutes. Finally, after a prayer, we went back to the main road and started again. After two minutes, we pulled up to the cabin circa 2am. Janelle came out to meet us and help us get settled. I suspect that Jason got lost on purpose to try out his new wheels. Can’t say I blame him; I had fun driving it too. P.S. To the old man of the mountain: keep up the entries; they’re the best thing I’ve read in ages. May the squirrels be cooperative and the wild turkeys be plentiful.
Annalee Tyler – friend of Jennie

Oct 8, 2000
Few things compare to staying at the Lee(etc) family cabin. I am happy to have shared this experience with so many pleasant people and trees. That is all I can say at this time.
Thank you.
S. Cory Harmon

Oct 8, 2000
Tim Zeidner (Pal o’ Jennie for the sake of casativity)

2nd trip down to the cabin. I’m devising ways to become an actual part of the Lee Family so that I can assure myself of future opportunities. 1st trip was glorious (with the exception of some incredibly painful chaffing provoked by a long, wet Narrow’s hike. Side note: someone lent me some lotion, but failed to tell me it had alcohol in it. I screamed like a little girl) back to the story. Silly me decided to jump off the waterfall in the narrows and messed up my ankles. Mentality switched from pleasure to survival. And I did, as evidenced by me writing in this. I was, however, rendered an old man from the hike. A sight that would have, no doubt, been hilarious had it not been me.

Trip two brings us down for conference weekend (noted by Annalee) Few places on this Earth compare to this opportunity. (There is a little spot in Gooseberry, up Fairview Canyon, but that’s another story) Wonderful food (the women were primarily the cooks – constantly chasing me out of their “kitchen”) Now I’m rambling.

Now that I’ve somehow connived my way into two visits, next object is to actually meet the whole Lee clan (including Uncle Jim, especially Uncle Jim) Met Jodi. A delight. And, of course, Jennie. An absolute treasure. Few people compare and none are even nearly alike. Kudos to having been a part of shaping this beautiful, wonderful friend. (Maybe that’ll get me an invite to the Lee family gathering).

Well, I’ve said my piece (and then some, but I’m known as a talker) ‘Til the next time save a spot with a nice view for me.
Tim Zeidner

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October 5, 2000

Friday, October 5, 2000
It’s a beautiful, sunny but cool fall day here at the cabin. Nellie and I have enjoyed a glorious and peaceful morning here by ourselves, taking a breather after our move from Ivins to a condo in St. George. As things are ever changing in our lives, the cabin seems to remain as a constant familiar place full of memories and happy events.

We looked through the cabin scrapbook together and had lots of laughs as wee looked at the photos and remembered the events surrounding 4 generations of experiences at the Ponderosa. The cabin certainly has gone through as many cosmetic and structured changes as all of us have! What really stuck us as was the number of people who have enjoyed the cabin over the years – both in and out of the family. Tomorrow is Grandpa Rogers’ birthday and we thought he and grandma would be pleased at the joy the cabin has brought to so many people. It has truly become a safe haven for us all in a world of turmoil. What a wonderful blessing from our Heavenly Father!

Nellie and I “ran away from home” yesterday and took a long drive to enjoy the fall colors. I am working on a commission painting of a beautiful old brick home in Panguitch and had to go up there to study the house and get some photos. That was the catalyst for our adventure.

After a stop in Cedar City to see Jodi and Trisha, we headed up Cedar Mountain for a picnic. Of course I came armed with 8 rolls of color film as we stopped about every mile to take pictures. The brilliant golds of the aspens against the dark green spruces creates a visual contrast that is truly breathtaking. A few rain clouds added drama to the blue sky and we soaked it all in like water on a dry sponge.

We stopped at Navajo Lake and picnicked at Duck Creek where Nellie collected some gorgeous autumn leaves (which she pressed in my day planner).

After a few peaceful hours on the mountain, we drove on up to Panguitch to get our pictures of the house. Coming back down Hwy 89 we decided to make a side trip to Bryce Canyon. I hadn’t been back there for about 20 years and it was more like 30 years for Nellie. The canyon was as pretty as ever, but found the main road under massive reconstruction and found ourselves in a California-style traffic jam which dampened our enthusiasm, along with the exhorbitant $20 entrance fee. The sunlight also went away as the clouds rolled in so we headed out again for the cabin.

We enjoyed the ride down 89 with the cottonwoods in their yellow glory and the late afternoon sun dancing across the oak-covered hills.

We arrived at the cabin just after dark and discovered we didn’t bring a flashlight so we retired immediately to the Honeymoon Cabin where we knew we had a battery lamp. It was only 8:30pm but we were so tired from all our driving we decided to go straight to bed. Barbara and Jim had brought up a new bed and we found it to fit the bill nicely. Another peaceful and fabuous escape to the cabin.

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September 4, 2000

Labor Day Weekend 2000
Ashley and Ruskin invited me up to the cabin with Jim and Barbara, Josh and Julie and Katerina. The highlight of the weekend was a day long hiking trip through the narrows. Jim dropped off Ashley, Ruskin, Josh and me at the Chamberlain Ranch at the crack of dawn on Sunday. And off we went.

The hike was the experience of a lifetime. Unbelievable vistas, challenging river hiking, unexpected beauty all around every corner. Luckily, we had rented river gear (footwear and walking sticks) which made the hiking much easier. Although it did not prevent poor Ruskin from falling into an unexpected hole in the river. He had a lovely swim and Josh had a large belly laugh as he (safe on a sand bank) watched as Ruskin slipped in. I must admit that I had the most falls of the day (2) But only Ruskin took a full dive!

The first part of the hike was relatively smooth. When we hit the narrows, the challenge increased. Hiking through rushing cloudy brown water over slick rock is an experience to be had. A mental and physical challenge made worth it by the awesome colors and angles of the canyon. We finished the hike in 12 hours and took the shuttle to the visitors center where Julie, Barbara and Katerina had left Josh and Julie’s car for us. What a treat it was to put on dry clothes!

We arrived back to the cabin well after dark to find that Barbara and Julie had procured pizza for us. After a day of Luna Bars and trail mix, twas a welcome repast.

The day before the Narrows, we all took a hike to Observation Point and had a picnic. We all ate bagel sandwiches and created a safe place for Katerina to stretch her legs away from the edge while Jim took a lovely cat nap overlooking the vista. After lunch, Ruskin, Ashley & I continued down the canyon while the rest of the crew headed back up to the cabin. We all met in Springdale for dinner at the Bit & Spur – finished off with soe scrumptious fresh peach pie!

Now we are off to see the petroglyphs. Thanks for this fabulous experience at the cabin!

P.S. I almost forgot, the night we arrived we played a rousing game of Beyond Balderdash, a hilarious romp through word definitions and initial identification. Although Ruskin won the game (in typical Hartley fashion) Barbara was the real star with her definition of oomphalogiligis (or something like that) “A person who sings the oomphas in the chorus” We all doubled over with laughter.

It should also be noted that Josh took the weekend horseshoe contest over Ruskin with a score of 21-18. A rematch has been scheduled.

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August 13, 2000

Aug 13-16
I have put off writing in the record until leaving. Being mental I am afraid I will give too much away. Some lo-life trailer trash have moved in across the gully. They have a generator which they play all day and all night. They also have a child, I could not see him very well but I am sure he is very ugly. This child has a hand ax and crawled all over the hillside whacking at the trees.

I walked out to Cable Mountain. The fire damage is not too bad, confined to about 100 yards of the trail. The fire fighters came up while I was there. (Note) If I didn’t know better I would think that these were movie star firefighters. They all had dirty yellow overalls and hard hats and axes and shovels in their backpacks. There were also 22 years old and very beautiful. Four women and one man. The man was the prettiest. They knew what they were doing. The fire was only controlled. They were there to check for hot spots and call it OUT.

The cable frame was wrapped in large quilted tin foil sheets. One of the women told me that they carried those sheets in their pack to wrap around themselves if the fire rolled over them…Spooky.

They had cleared the brush down the trail for quite a ways in order to make a fire break to protect the cable, but the fire turned and it was not needed. Its not too bad and will grow back.

The visible damage is quite small. The fire went down the very steep cliff and no one could get to it. That should be visible from Observation Point.

I don’t know if there are that many turkeys or if the gully is just the best place to roost or if you all think I am a liar?

Last night, the fabled beating of wings. I was just returning from a walk down Beaver Road at just before dark. One big old turkey landed in the big snag at the edge of Oden and hopped around and got comfortable. I watched until it got too dark to see.

I tried out the new fangled hi-teck coffee/wash water heater. It burned all the hair off my chest. (Just kidding). I love it here.
Uncle Jim

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July 24, 2000

24 July, 2000
The Lee family gathered here for a weeknd of good times. Jennie, Jim & Barb planned our menu and made the assignements. Jim and Barb brought a cook stove as a gift to the cabin. It makes cooking for a crowd faster. The meals were yummy. Christian, Kayson, and Travis spent their days getting acquainted with the rocks and sticks.

We have always believed that “many hands make light work” and we proved again that it was true as we dug a new outhouse hole and moved and landscaped a new one. Home again!

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July 14, 2000

July 14-18, 2000
The old man of the mountain is back again. Let me begin with the wildlife studies. Even as I write, a large bushy tail squirrel is crowding around in the manzanita bush on the edge of the deck. He is eating the berries. Just down the slope a chipmunk is crawling around in another bush eating the berries. I woke up very late today at 9:00 and it is already pretty warm. The squirrel in the bush is a neighborhood guy. I was having my afternoon snooze and was awakened by a thumping and bumping, this old boy was running around in the house. When I moved he ran off. I thought I would be nice and give him a treat so I put some chips on the floor by the door. He ate them and ran away, cute.

Give some people an inch and they take a mile. I went down to the “resort” to get water for the shower and shoot the breeze and get the local gossip (nothing worth repeating) Coe wants to sell their place and will make anyone a good deal. In order to build any new places a “septic system” must be in place. Tootie wahs are no more. A septic system entails water, a lot of water. Be calm, we are grandfathered in. The guys building over at ???, across the gulch → ODIN was here on the weekend working on their new house. I didn’t know about the septic tanks until yesterday so I didn’t get first hand poop (no pun intended).

Yesterday I girded my loins and screwed my courage to the sticking place. I did this strange stuff to prepare myself for a trip through the park fence into Terra Incognita (or should I say Terror Incognita) since I got lost in there it has been a scary place.

But I was prepared this time. I took my scissors which I carry everywhere (even to foreign lands, you can ask Uncle Roland about this) and I cut small strips from grocery bags and put them in my pocket then at places along the trail I tied them to branches and twigs. The old Hansel and Gretel trick. This worked nicely until I came to this old saw mill. It was almost vanished into the forest.

Anyway, I felt very secure, so I thought I would go to the waterfalls. Cheri, or friend is a photographer and she would love those falls. So I went on. Well, at length I got thirsty and hungry. I didn’t have my sherpa with me who carries my water and my lunch and my sunblock so I thought I would go back. I have had water problems in the past too. So I started back and guess what?? I damn near got lost again. I went up the wrong gulley. U didn’t see my breadcrumbs but then I realized I didn’t so I turned around right then. I went back. Sure enough, I had missed a turn. Anyway, I got out ok. Then I took a new trail out from the fence, down through the old water hole.

I was mooching along and I heard a rustling in the leaves. I thought it was maybe a mouse or something. It was something all right, it was a timber rattler. 20 18 9 6 feet long with uncountable rattles. It just oozed along giving me a little rattle just to keep me alert. I have never observed a huge rattlesnake before and I was 15 feet away so I thought I’d watch awhile. Well, he very slowly and gracefully curled himself up into a coil with his tail up on top with the rattles tinkling and his tiny evil looking head looking right at me. I don’t know all that much about rattlesnakes. All coiled up like that he may be able to spring a long ways. I felt that I had observed enough and came home. Later on my way to the toilet (really?) I saw a rock next to the house I didn’t remember seeing before. It was not a rock, it was a rattlesnake, much smaller than the big daddy but plenty scary. I was going to shoo it away because I go up that path to the toilet many times every day (really?) So I was poking at it with the shovel. It was the longest stick I could find and the dumb thing charged me.

Instead of running or slithering away like a sensible snake, it headed right for me – fast. I panicked and whacked it with the shovel and cut it in half. (alas)

I felt terrible. I don’t kill things anymore. As we know snakes cannot die before sundown, so the poor thing wiggled and thrashed for a long time. That night, long after the rising of the moon, I had to go to the toilet (really?) and when I went out one half of the snake was missing. No mistake, the moon was bright as day. The missing end was the rattling end so I wasn’t too scared. This morning I looked all over, gone. Maybe some sort of predator came by and ate it. I saw no tracks because of the gravel. I will bury the head far away.

Going back to the squirrel story (I got so engrossed in the gossip that I forgot) while I was off gossiping that naughty squirrel came in an helped himself to the candy kisses that the girls had left on a a basket on the table. He ate as many as he wanted and left a big mess.

He is no longer welcome. He has come in twice and been shooed off. Another squirrel story. When I was sitting on the toilet (really? Is there a pattern here?) this morning and I heard a terrible ruckus. Two little squirrels were playing a fun game. They were chasing one another round and round a big tree then they leaped a huge distance maybe 10 feet to another tree and then down on the ground running, up a tree, jump a mile. It looked like a lot of fun. They were smaller than the local boys with a black stripe on their back and a black tail. They may have been just babies of the local population.

The best story is for last. It is a turkey story. After dinner, the first night I was here I was on the chaise reading and I heard a sound that I had heard before. The beating of large wings. I was up like a shot. The turkeys have roosted before in the snags behind the cabin in the gulley, so I ran over to look there first. No turkeys. More beating wings, not so loud.

Out the back door looking sort of east are many tall trees. I saw mama turkey and one at a time, three babies land in the tree and jump around and squawk (they didn’t see me) and get comfortable. Then one more big turkey — Dad I guess —came in but mama and the little ones huddled together up high & Daddy stayed down lower by himself. In case something climbed the tree he could peck it in the head (well maybe).

On the day I went hiking I was taking off my boots on the deck and a BIG old turkey came down the Turkey Road, which is down the driveway in front of the swing and down the old zip line trail into the gully. Turkeys have little tiny heads. I know they are mega smart but not much cranial capacity.

I think Jenny should be allowed to have her friends here as often as she wants. The place was spotless and neat. Maybe a little too neat. Uncle Jim could not find the shower. He got a little panicky and I think he even said the very bad word he is ashamed to say. But he knew that his beloved nieces would not do a mean think like that to their kindly (mostly) old unk. So he (I) kept looking. It was folded and tucked away neatly. Neatness is good, but let us not be obsessive. He couldn’t find the dishwashing soap either. Remember Uncle Jim is too grand to eat off paper plates. He would rather wash, dry and put away the dishes than scrape food off paper (gag).

I had better stop writing now. I had not intended to write a novel, but I have run out of things to do so I guess I’ll go home – my other home that is.

Think about it. We Barbara, Trisha & Nellie and spouses are 2nd generation. Our kids, too numerous to mention are 3rd generation, and all the new little ones beginning to show up are the 4th generation. Is that fabulous or what.
Uncle Jim

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July 1, 2000

July 1-4, 2000
Aahhh it’s great to be back to the cabin. Jana and I came Saturday afternoon and have had a great time pretending we know what to do. We’ve realized that the guys take pretty good care of us when they are here and we hadn’t ever lit the BBQ before, cleaned the outhouse, or chopped firewood. We’ve done it now!

Jodi joined us after work Saturday night but had to be up early the next morning to go to work. When she returned that evening, she brought her friends, Jaci, Kyle & Phil.

Jennie arrived in time for dinner and we had a full house and lots of fun.

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