June 3, 2000

June 3rd-7th, 2000
The Smith Family held their family reunion here. From the attached agenda, it looks like they were busy. Hope they enjoyed their time together at the cabin.

[ Attached agenda ]
[ Picture of Luanne’s Family & Grandkids]

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May 29, 2000

May 29th, 2000
Katarina’s first visit to cabin. Stayed 1 night!

May 29th, 2000
Jodi and friends came for a visit, while they were here they built a new fire pit and moved the rocks on the point. It looks great! Thanks for your hard work.

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May 27, 2000

May 27th, 2000
Barb and Jim brought friends from Kayenta (Sherri & George, Jane & John, and Lorraine and Ed) to see the cabin. We did a short walk and then went to the Zion dedication of the new visitors center. Senator Bob Bennett was the speaker. Robert & Lyman Hafen were dignitaries.

Uncle Jim

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October 10, 1999

October 10, 1999

We are gathered here for the weekend to enjoy the peace and beauty of the cabin. Already I have enjoyed seeing the deer croos through here and this morning we saw the turkeys marching through. Last night the silhouette of the trees against the starlight sky was an experience not to be missed.

Oct 11, 1999
Well, we are all ready to go, but I’m told I have to write in the journal before we leave. We have had a lot of fun! We have kept busy chasing Travis around. He is a busy boy getting into all sorts of things and tasting all the rocks, leaves and pine cones he can get his hands on. Today is exactly one year from my first trip to the cabin. Then, I was only 2 weeks away from having Travis. This time, he’s walking around and having a great time. He especially likes the swing and the badminton rackets. We really love coming here and being away from all the cares of our lives, just enjoying all of the beauty Heavenly Father created for us.
Jolynn Lee

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October 10, 1999

Transferred to this journal – October 10, 1999

To whom it may concern: the cabin journal is misplaced. I had a gasp of pain and fear when I saw that the beloved old raggedy couch was missing… But in my heart I knew that Auntie Nell and I share the same feelings about that unit. I found it (whew). I really love this place I cannot thank you enough for sharing it with me. Love Uncle Jim

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September 6, 1999

Sept 6th
What I saw.
10 (ten) turkeys crossing the road in front of the Rocking R. Turkeys are lucky. 10 times lucky. They were not alarmed nor did they hurry. I stopped the car and waited until they passed on their way to Fox’s.

Reading my book on the deck, a doe and fawn came down the road past the big pine tree. The doe stopped and the fawn availed himself of a little nursing time, then behind them came a two point buck in velvet. They mooched along nibbling the grass down into the gully. Very cool stuff. Later. It was almost dark but not quite (actually it is really dark) so I had to light the lantern, which is against my policy, but this is important. I went for a walk down the road past Odin and cut through at Coe’s. I was walking along Beaver Road when a beautiful doe came out of the trees and began walking along beside me. Not close enough to touch but almost. We walked along together for a while she would nibble and I would watch. After awhile she cut away across the meadow and I continued on home. Either I am becoming feral or the wild beasts are becoming tame. Either way I feel like Mowgli. Now I’m home watching the stars come out one by one as the light blue night becomes the black night.

Last night when I was walking and met the deer I wore my river sandals with a distinctive tread. This morning I went a different way, down the gully to the old water tank. But not through the fence into the park. That is still scary in there. On the way home I came back down the front road. Across my tracks were myriad turkey tracks right on top. They came down the drive across the yard and down the gully. It must have been very early this morning because I was outside on the deck until dark. (dang)

Tonight while making my dinner, I heard the sound of the whiffling of really huge wings. It is almost dark (time flies by when you’re having fun) down the gully they came.

Off the back of the deck are two huge snags. Into these snags flew at least 8 turkeys. These are wild turkeys boys and girls and they can fly like anything. There they perched for a long time while I ate my pork chops. I was forced to turn on the lantern again (against my policy) so I could eat my dinner. When I turned it off they were still there, still and silent. It was their night roost. I must get up early early and see if they are still there…

They were…

I have to go home now. Goodbye, cabin. It has been great as always.
Uncle Jim

[ Actual Turkey Feather folded between the pages]

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July 24, 1999

July 24th, 1999
We came up for Pioneer Day vacation and to celebrate Roland & Nellie’s 26th anniversary. This is the first time Barbara and I (Jim – Lee not Aikens) have been to the cabin since we had Christian 2 ½ years ago. We also brought Kayson, 1 ½ month old baby. Jon and Jolynn also came with their boy, Travis, and Jennie, Jodi, and Jana were here too, so we had our entire family here together. The weather has been very nice – warm in the day and cool and breezy in the afternoon and evening. Friday night we woke to the sound of something rustling around in the main cabin. Barb said “Is that you, Jim?” and I said no, and suddenly saw a big silhouette of some animal against the sky a few inches from my face on the bed. I jumped up and it took off running. By then everyone was awake and we tracked it down and found it hiding behind the paneling in the kitchen. It was about the size of a small rabbit and looked like some kind of mouse or something – we weren’t sure what it was. We scared it out of the house and everyone went back to sleep okay… The next night is visited us again. Saturday, we all went for a hike out to the mouth of Echo Canyon, came back, napped, and then went to the Ponderosa Resort for some swimming. We stayed until Sunday afternoon. It was an enjoyable visit – lots of good food, relaxation, and enjoying each other’s company.

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October 11, 1998

Oct 11, 1998
We are enjoying the cabin at the end of another season. The leaves are changing and the night air is cool and refreshing. The scrub oak are gold and gorgeous. We can see the effects of the heavy rains this year. Lots of washouts and gulleys. It’s amazing that this place is so peaceful and relaxing, even after coming here for 30 years. I am grateful to the Lord that we have been able to keep this beautiful place for all to use. It’s so much fun to read over all the entries in this journal and see how much everyone enjoys being here.

Included in this visit: Roland, Nellie, Jennie, Jodi and her friend, Dave Pattberg, and Jana. Yesterday Jon and Jolynn came up for the day. She can’t stay overnight since she is due to deliver any day now. It was great to have them all here. Jim and Barbie came last week for conference so couldn’t come again this time.

This morning we made delicious “cabin breakfast” had scriptures, then went on a nice hike out to Echo Canyon overlook. It was so beautiful. We found turkey feathers and turkey tracks. I did a little sketching around the cabin and on the trail.
Uncle Roland

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September 4, 1998

Sept 4, 1998
Hey, this is Lyndy, Eddie & Kathy’s daughter & we just got here for our labor day vacation. I am missing four parties to come up here and go turkey searching and sliplining with my obnoxious siblings & let me tell ya, I am so looking forward to it. I will let you know how it turns out in a couple of days. So bye for now. Love ya much forever & always. Love Lyndy

Sept 6, 1998
“K” I can’t believe I have forgotten how much fun this place is. Yesterday we all played hid the soap bottle (we’re very creative). The boys aren’t allowed to bring the BB guns anymore because Kody shot Kyle two times. Ziplining and swinging is always a blast. But my favorite part of this trip was singing at the top of our voices around the campfire (even though we all lost our voices). Thanks Roland & Nellie for letting us have another great year at the cabin. Love ya much forever and always,
The cabin is “da bomb” chickchick ka boom. Shmooch!

Our family came up to the cabin for Labor Day weekend an it was fun. My dad caught a hornytoad but we let it go. We used the BB guns and my big brother shot me in the back and in the butt and it didn’t feel good. I went down the zipline a lot and it gave me a lot of blisters. We are leaving right now so goodbye.
Kyle Rogers

It has been a good trip to the cabin once again. Many memories of family vacations here I hope that my own little family is able to make some good memories of the cabin. I remember staying up with my dad 32 years ago before my 8th birthday tending the fire in the tree he tried to burn. I remember building the cabin with Grandpa – at least we tried to help. This is a quiet, peaceful place to come to get away from it all. Thanks Roland and Nellie for letting us continue the tradition and build my own family memories.
Eddie Rogers

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June 2, 1998

June 2 1998
And so I have…Among the Inuit ancestors a custom prevailed whereupon the old, when they became non-productive, and were unable to contribute to the welfare of the community, were put – out on the ice.

As I enter this stage of the game I am quick to design activities which will postpone the inevitable – therefore I volunteerd to open the cabin.

It is as green as Ireland here and the cabin withstood the winter very well. I swept out enough mouse poop to fertilize a thousand acres. The last time that the newspaper lining the drawers was replaced was – August 27, 1982.

There was no butane to cook my dinner so I had a cheese san. After much very dirty work I wanted something good to eat.

I took all the sheets off the beds and the cover (very dirty cover) off the couch and drove to Mt. Carmel Junction to the laundry-matt and propane places, I bought a broom (teeny). I got the big cabin pretty ship-shape except for the windows.

I went for a long ramble to see what changes time had wrought. Not much, lots of flowers. The day was not wonderously warm because huge clouds so the bath water didn’t heat up. I awoke to the pitter patter of rain drops on the metal roof.

Rain is good. I don’t mind, but it is COLD. I mind that a lot. I’ll do the honeymoon cabin when it warms up and the kid cabin never, that is a LARGE job for a whole crew of coolies.

This is such a tranquil place so still and sweet smelling and out on the rim of the universe. If , while standing very still and concentrating (and your heart is pure) you may feel the earth turning under your feet.

Uncle Jim

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