October 10, 1997

Oct 10, 1997
Uncle Jim & Ricky Lennel came up for a U.E.A. break. It was beautiful and very cold at night. – We cooked steaks and baked potatoes after we got back from the Observation Point which was awesome in the fading light. That is to say it was getting dark and we still had to hike back. We made it in good order.

There were many people at the observation point who had walked up from the park and had yet to walk back down. I wonder if the darkness caught them? It got me once coming down from Angel’s landing. SPOOKY!

We would like to stay but Uncle Roland is having his “English Show” tonight and that is a compelling reason to go home early. Rick was here with his boys Bryce and Branden many years ago. The place has changed a lot since then. Auntie Nell’s picture book is a great record of past wonders and glories.

Thank you Auntie Nell

Baba leekee ko mame yannah – (I shall return — tagalog)
Love Uncle Jim

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September 26, 1997

Sept. 26-28 1997
Earlier this summer our vacation plans got changed at the last minute due to the car breaking down. Shelley & the kids went on without me, leaving me with the car and the dog for a week. So we though it would be nice to do something all together as a family before summer ended. Again, Roll & Nell to the rescue! We were concerned about getting stuck in the mud because it had been storming due to “Huricane Nora”. It stopped raining the day we came and we decided to give it a try. Roland warned us where the worst spots of mud would be (as it turned out, I’m glad he did). It was worse than we imagined. It sure felt good to finally get here safely! I spent some of my time making mental notes of what we need to bring up maybe in the spring in the way of drywall to doll up the cabin.

Thanks to the Lees for their kindness,
Lorin, Shelley, Matthew, Mark, Melissa, Megan Reeder

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September 1, 1997

Labor Day! Sept 1st 1997

Boy oh boy! It’s so perfect here! This is the first time I’ve been to the cabin this year (aside from a youth conference overnighter we had here in June) We’ve had all kinds of fun. Mostly consisting of some serious R&R. Last night, Mom, Jodi & I arrived to a lovely dinner of grilled chicken, beef, pork & veggies & other delicious delicacies fixed by Ash & Ruskin. We spent the evening playing a game called “Scrutineyes”. Ruskin is the reigning champion. Although Uncle Jim and Ashley came as close seconds. We gabbed into the night until us Lee girls retired to our beds in the honeymoon cabin. We slept in & woke up to a greasy but yummy cabin breakfast fixed by Josh & Julie. We all just relaxed today w/homework, books, scrapbooks, games, etc…

Ashley & Ruskin are leaving for San Francisco tomorrow to find a place to live. Ruskin just got a job there. Josh is living in St. George doing his new job at MB Broadcasting. Julie will be joining him in Southern Utah soon.

Jodi & Jon will be attending SUU this fall & I’m still at DHS keeping busy w/ work at Learnkey, school & volleyball. Life is good! & I hate to leave the cabin! I’ll be back…


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August 31, 1997

Aug 31, 97 – Sept 1, 97
I came home today from flying my model airplane to find my wife at the end of her ropes. She has been holding down a full time job on top of being a full time student and mother of 5 of us and a dog. She exclaimed “take me away now!” Roll & Nell offered just the right medicine. The prescription, 1 night at the cabin. It had been so many years since we had spent a night alone together, neither of us could remember the last time. Lots of sleep & reading was just what the doctor ordered! We went home the next day ready to do the parent thing again. Thanks Roll & Nell for your kindness!!!

Lorin & Shelley Reeder

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August 30, 1997

Aug 30, 1997

At last it has happened!!! 9:00pm August 30, 1997. The day to remember.

A mom & daddy turkey
With their necks all jerky
Strolled across the drive.
Four fluffy chicks
With legs like sticks
Did the turkey jive.

This I saw and I will testify to as seen and dreamed of.
– Uncle Jim

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August 11, 1997

August 11, 1997 Monday

Eddie, Kathy, Lyndy, Kody, Kyle and Lacey Rogers, plus 2 cousins, Jared Rogers (son of Jeff & Tina) and Kurtis Madsen (son of Darren and Elaine) and Ashley Frei (daughter of Dave and Debbie) all came to the cabin for food, fun & family time.

We arrived on Saturday, Aug 9th about 1pm just as Johnny Lee & his scouts were leaving. Saturday eveing was exciting – a terrific thunder and lightning storm kept Eddie & Kathy up all night in the “honeymoon cabin” worried about the 7 little children sleeping in the main cabin. We both said prayers all night that the kids wouldn’t venture out into the storm to where we were. Some lightning strikes were very close & the thunder was deafening. Sunday was off & on rain and we cooked our dutch oven dinner under a large piece of tin roofing. The rain & mud didn’t stop anyone from wearing blisters on their hands going down the zip-line 100+ times.

We pulled out around 12 noon on Monday – plan on stopping at the resort to swim and clean these kids up a bit. Another wonderful year at the cabin!

Thankyou Uncle Roland & Aunt Nellie and all other families.

Eddie & Kathy Rogers & Family

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July 19, 1997

19 July 1997
It’s me again:
I am coming here to fetch the Union Jack. On Monday is Ashley’s wedding shower. She is to marry Mr. Ruskin Hartley, a citizen of the U.K. in Kendal, England on 16 August 1997. We need the flag to demonstrate our solidarity with our British cousins. Also is in a excuse to stay overnight in this excellent place. No turkeys spotted but a great deer with 6 points in velvet.

God save the queen.
Love Uncle Jim

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July 4, 1997

4th of July, 1997

Josh, Julie, Ashley & Ruskin came up for the 4th of July as mandated by custom of long standing – They unloaded and scooted back down to Springville for the patriotic merriment. Dinner at the Pasta Noodle, fireworks at the city park, up close and personal. Then a downhome dance on he parking lit. A good time was had by all!
(– ???)

It has become important to note who won what games. Ruskin & Julie beat the socks off of Ashley and I in a pre 4th celebration Rook game. Then on the evening of the 5th, Ruskin again embarrassed Ashley, D.D. & myself in a rousing game of hearts. But the final and best victory would not go to Ruskin but a more worthy opponent. It was horseshoes. The teams were me & dad vs. Ashley & Ruskin. They were beating us 8 to 2 and we were playing to 10. Then D.D. & I went on a tear and emerged victorious, 10 – 9.

Also worthy of mention was a day hike to Cable Mountain. Ashley, Ruskin, Julie & I left at about 12:45pm due to much sleeping in (mostly by me). We had 8 bottles of water equaling about a gallon and a half. Plus sandwiches, binoculars & extensive camera gear. The round trip took a little over 4 hours. We had exactly enough water and not one drop extra.

Note: To all day time July hikers, take lots of water, more than you think you will drink, because you will.

On the hike we saw what we believe to to be a Gaws hawk & a Peregrine falcon, numerous lizards and that’s about it.

After the hike we roasted vegetables and some huge t-bone steaks, baked potatoes, and had corn on the cob. We thought we had severely overcooked but we ate every scrap. Julie and I drank a 12-pack of cream soda Shasta over 2 days. It was too sweet for everyone else and we were very dehydrated after the hike.

Sunday was for traditional cabin breakfast, eggs, bacon and hashbrowns. Then we sat in the shade as much as possible and played rummy and read books. We did fulfill Aunt Nellie’s edict to take photos of each couple on the swing. Mom & Dad were a reluctant couple but we took a lot of photos for posterity’s sake. Then Mom led us in a rock garden recooperation project. We tipped up all the tipped over rocks and then she raked some piles. It is time to depart. Another successful and hot 4th of July in the cabin heaven somewhere near Zion.
– Josh Aikens

Hope to see everyone on Labor Day.
– Uncle Jim

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April 28, 1997

April 28 – May 1st 1997 – ← UK General Election

On the invasion of the cabin by a band of roving Brits (and one token American!) :–

Ashley Aikens
Ruskin Hartley
Colin Ellis
Sharemya Jyori Najumbdar (?? Sorry cant read the writing clear enough)
Sumerset Lowry
Judy Stephenson
Paul Foster
Simon “Des” Emery

All being friends who met as Jesus College, Cambridge. And who’ve come to experience the great American Southwest.

We arrived in our “Mystery Machine” (a la Scooby Doo) and set about making the cabin our home. First things first. Hang the Union Jack from the flag pole of course. We nervously tried out the death slide – our apologies to those who follow and attempt to work out that whichwe failed – how to remove the slide-pat from the high rope!

The fire was crowed up for an evening of campfire songs and charades – no one could mime “Tess of the D’urbervilles”.

Zion Canyon via Echo Canyon and Observation Point was our day’s destination. But only after a traditional fy-up! Whilst Colin and Ruskin get about delivering the car to the canyon, the rest of the party set about causing mischief. Des stood on a nail – it went through his shoe and Someset decided to fertilize the forest with the ashes from the fire BAD MOVE! The pine needles were soon blazing nicely. Some quick thinking and ???? shoveling later and everything was under control. Someset (previously deemed sensible) hung his head in shame.

Observation point was as beautiful as ever. By promising an ice-cream to Judy, we all managed to make the descent to the valley floor. Paul and Jyori did some deft moves to ensure that Paul was always near the dangerous side of the canyon! We also made the less arduous hike to the start of the Narrows. Some paddled and turned red! The evening … was pasta and noodles with Jim, Barbara and Trisha – yum!

In the evening Ashley played the role of Bob Barker for Family Feud (fortunes where we come from). Sharemya got the most amazing price for misunderstanding the rules of “quick money” and going for the most obtused answers. On Sharemya’s accent, the “tootie-wa” has been renamed the “Dunnie” & hence we all now go for dunnie-runs.

After short stacks of pancakes the next morning we all piled into the wagon and headed for Petroglyph Canyon. Everyone saw the carvings and some ventured further up the canyon in preparation of the later ascent to Angels Landing. Only the forward party made the summit. Others wandered up to the pools. Even Somerset (a hardened walker) conceded that the chairs were a great comfort in several places. The view from the top was well worth the effort and vertigo. We wound down by playing Frisbee in the lodge before heading to the liveliest bar in Utah — the Bit and Spur! Ashley translated the menu for the Brits and waved Somerset away from too spicey dishes. Food was great and the all-girl table behind us was lively. We took the opportunity to hold a sweepstakes on the election results, everyone predicting a labor victory (except for Ashley on a
Jonny roo). This included ‘True Blue Des’. The predictions are recorded for posterity (fingers crossed). The evening was spent singing songs around a nother blazing fire. We even managed a campfire rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody! Its now our last morning and we are packing up readying to move on to Bryce. We’ll all miss the rustic comfort of the cabin. Sherm likes to have an excuse not to wash . Hopefully we can all return one day in the future to do it all again. So thankyou to the cabin.
— Ruskin

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May 26, 1997

May 26th, 1997 – Memorial Day

All’s quiet here this morning – except for a couple of squirrels doing major arguing in the big ponderosa tree. Josh & Julie, Nellie & Roland came up Saturday afternoon after a huge thunderstorm. The roads were rutted and slick but we made it ok. Jon and Jodi came up yesterday for the day.

This is the busiest we’ve seen the Ponderosa in quite a while. Seems like the entire world is here. The roads are busy with ORV’s and horses, the sound of multiple generators goes on night and day and even barking dogs! I don’t think Uncle Jim is going to like that too much.

Jim, Barb, Uncle Rob and Aunt Trish will be here today. We’re all heading home tonight. Events of note:
-Sat. Josh & Julie barbecued London broil with baked potatoes, rolls and carrots. A feast for kings!
– Sun. Josh, Julie & Jon hiked out to Observation Point. Took 55 minutes out from the gate. They were moving!
– Uncle Roland won all three (3) games of Rummy King without cheating (much).
– Had a visit from the Sheriff who was looking for people shooting guns.
– Tried to tighten the zipline to no avail. Jon had a pretty good ride sitting in the sling.
– The weather was absolutely ideal. It cooled off considerably and there were no flies. Just perfect. We hate to leave.



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