Open for Business

Mr Bear is happy to see us.

Nellie and I made a trip to the cabin this week and opened it up for the season. Everything is ready to go. The Ponderosas are green and healthy and all the snow is gone. Our new road and driveway held up admirably through the winter and the new deck stands proud and sturdy. The oaks have yet to leaf out but everything else looks wonderful. Be sure to check the calendar above and schedule your family cabin dates now. Last year was the busiest cabin-year yet and 2012 should be even better. Also don’t miss the new climbing wall and fort back in the trees. As soon as Jim’s family gets up there, we will have our brand new professional-grade zip line too.

Open for Business in 2012

The 2012 edition of Rockin’ R Cabin is now available

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Closed for the Winter

Snow is already starting to cover the ground in November. Time to close her up!

We closed up the cabin for the winter this week. That doesn’t mean someone can’t sneak up for a final visit, but we did empty all the water bottles, move all the deck furniture inside, and plastic-wrap Mr. Bear.

Jim’s family got most of the new treehouse and climbing wall completed, but the rest will have to wait til Spring. They also perfected the zip line which will be a permanent addition next year.

Don’t forget to schedule your dates early. This was the busiest cabin-year yet!

The new climbing wall on the back of the new Treehouse should make for a fun adventure for the kids.

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Fall Fun at the Cabin

Matt Smith and Christian Lee screw down the floor to the new tree house

Grandma Nellie and Kelsey doing cabin crafts

This has been the busiest year yet at he cabin. It’s been scheduled almost every week and so many families have enjoyed it. The new deck and now the new roadbase on the driveway are not the only new features this year. The Jim Lee and Mike Smith families have started a really neat tree house and climbing wall tucked away in the woods, and they set up a very fun zip line that works great for both young and old. The fall colors have been magnificent and soon we’ll be getting ready to close things up for the winter. Hopefully the winter will be kind to us this year. See ya in the spring.

Putting on the climbing gear for the Birch Hollow Canyoneering hike

Jim Lee demonstrates the new full-contact karate swing on Cody Lee

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Fourth of July frivolity

Hooray for the red, white and blue!

Posted by Ashley Hartley

we had an excellent time over the 4th at the cabin! A few highlights were:
– baseball in the courtyard with Rowan and Jackson smashing big home runs
– campfires with s’mores made from reeses peanut butter cups
– two rattlesnake withholds
– three “cabin breakfasts” featuring pork products, eggs and chili sauce
– a fourth of July celebration with flag ceremony,songs and solos, recitations and a courtyard parade, also a nighttime glowstick parade that turned into a wild chase game as the kids were pursued by the British (Ruskin and his parents Derrick and Barbara Hartley visiting from England yelling “the British are coming!”)
– swimming and canoeing at Clear Creek and seeing Jon Lee and family
– enjoying the relatively cool days which were a bit overcast and very pleasant
– seeing the big horned sheep in Zion and driving through the tunnels with windows open to let in tunnel bugs (bugs in tunnels that tickle young children)

I could go on and on. It was a wonderful four days! Hooray for the cabin!

The British are coming…the British are here!



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Cabin Pictures


Christian and I came down south and went rappelling in some great canyons near the cabin.  We stayed with our cousins at the Clear Creek Ranch, but while Christian & Travis were off having fun,  I went over to the cabin.

20110614-114601.jpgI checked out the new deck with its  new railing (Grandma Nellie commanded that there be rails after one of the grandkids fell off into the bushes), took some pictures for the website, and stole the cabin journal so I could add the newer entries to the website.

Our brave bear was still boldly standing guard over the place.


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Cabin Deck Repaired!

Our new “infinity deck” with a view forever!

The Snow load this past winter collapsed our deck and split every one of the 2×6 joists. So we had to tear out the old one and start from scratch. Fortunately Ben Rogers and Jon Lee stepped in with their tools (thanks Jefferson for your tools, trailer, and truck too) and their construction experience and expertise. Although it rained and the roads were rutted mud slogs, we still were able to complete the project in just one day. Luckily we were able to use the old Trex decking which saved tons on the cost. So now the deck is ready for our first cabin guests of the season.

Ben, Jon, and Roland Build the new Deck

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Cabin Calendar

calendar has moved to a new page:

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Cabin Snow Pictures

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November 15, 2006

Sat. Nov 15, 2006

The weather up here is still nice so we decided to come up. We’ll stay the night and go to a Zion Natural History Association meeting tomorrow in the park. We’re sitting on the deck enjoying the warm sun and the crisp air. Gosh I love this place!

Roland & Nellie

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November 5, 2006

Nov 5th 2006
Thanks again to Uncle Roland and Aunt Nellie for letting us come up to the cabin. The nights were pretty cold but the days were beautiful. We came up on Friday night and will go home this afternoon (Sunday). It is always so nice and peaceful up here. Nothing beats a weekend at the cabin. It was just me (Nathaniel) Robert & Jill and their two kids Kade and Taylor. It is good to come up here and recharge the batteries. I love it up here in the mtns above Zion. It’s not quite the same without my dad and Joe around but we always have the memories of the times we spent here together as a family.

Yesterday was a good lazy day. We got up and ate, then Robert and Jill took their kids for a ride and I stayed here and read my book. Lyndy and John came up in the afternoon ,they were staying nearby for their anniversary, and we went for a walk to see some fo the other cabins in the area. It is so beautiful up here. Thanks again for letting us use the cabin. We really appreciate it very much.
– Nathaniel Rogers

Nov 5th, 06
Well, this is Robert telling about this weekend. I brought my little family up here to stay and invited some of the cousins and uncle Nathaniel. We came up Friday after work. It was dark when we got here, but it always was when we were kids coming here. It was nice to bring my own kids here and wife to create memories of our own. It is nice to have a place like this that we can use to get away from the stress of city life. I would like to thank Roland and Nellie for letting us use this the way they do. The days here were very nice and the nights were cool. The sunrises both days were very beautiful to see and to have a fire in the stove to keep us warm made it even more enjoyable. It is weird to be here without my dad cooking dutch oven, but I have taken over that role. He taught me well.

Robert Terry

Roland & Nellie – thank you so much for letting us stay this weekend. I enjoyed making scrambled eggs on the wood stove. Very cool! I love it up here and so do our kids. It’s so peaceful. It’s amazing how this place soothes your mind and soul so you can go back and take on hectic life. I like being away from t.v., fast food, and growing city. I appreciate the gift you’ve given us of a stress free weekend.

Jill Terry & Kids

Thanks Jill & Robert for helping me to do the smores. Sleeping bag, sleeping bag. I heard a turkey. 1 turkey because when Robert stopped I heard a gobble gobble gobble. I see a turkey on the calendar. Thanks Jill & Robert for sayng we can go to the cabins. Built a fire. Digging by the fire, by the one that we roasted marchmellows. Kade Terry – written by mom – Jill Terry

I borrowed the amended plat of the Little Ponderosa Ranch, I will bring it back. I want to check into some land. Thanks once again for letting us use the cabins Uncle Roland & Aunt Nellie.

Robert Terry

We just went for a drive and saw 23 wild turkeys


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