July 1, 2005

I wish I had seen it — Rol

July 1 The Bear Story

This is a little out of sequence, but Uncle Jim mentions bears and we actually had a visit from a black bear on June 6. Nellie and I came up on Monday morning (Uncle Jim had just left on Saturday night). When we arrived, we found the barbeque grill thrown across the yard, tank and all and a fry pan was nearby. We were trying to think what kind of creature could do that (or why) when I went around on the deck and found a big pile of animal scat. Hmmm, what kind of animal? After getting out our trusty animal tracking guide book, we came to the conclusion that it must have been a black bear! Since we’ve never seen such a creature in all 35 years coming to the Ponderosa, I was pretty excited! There was no other damage to the cabin and we couldn’t find any tracks, so we really couldn’t confirm our findings positively until the next day when we took the scat to the rangers (Ron Kay) at Zion Park. He and another naturalist positively identified it as BLACK BEAR! Since there haven’t been any spotted in Zion for a long time, this was exciting for everyone.
The next day chief naturalist Ron Terry tol me a scoutmaster had spotted a bear in East Zion so the plot thickened. The following week I was in Zion for a meeting of the Zion Natural History Association (I’m a board member) and Terry told me he had photos of the bear. They said it was either an adult male or female and probably wandered down from the high country because of all the snow still up there. It hasn’t been seen again since, so they think he went back up to the mountains again. We put a little carved bear on the table in the big cabin as a memorial to the event.

Roland July 1, 2005
-Painted the outhouse green
– Dismantled the old Birdhouse

July 2nd, 2005
It has been a busy year but we finally made it up the mountain to the cabin. We were welcomed by a sign on the front door that saud “Welcome to Cabin Camp.” Grandma and Grandpa Lee had a great itinerary planned out for the kids including arts and crafts, a treasure hunt, nature hikes, and an Independence Day parade. The kids are having a blast. It may be the only chance we have this summer to enjoy the cabin. Travis is 6 years old and will start the first grade in a month or two. Alyssa is our little ballerina girl and loves to act much older than her 4 year old self. Hannah is nearly 3 years old and is quite bossy, I think there is some dutch blood creeping in. This was the first trip to the cabin for 2 ½ month old baby Max. He was a good boy and slept most of the time and enjoyed his baby swing (battery powered). Dad and I walked the boundaries of our property and tried to mark it a little better. There is definitely plenty of elbow room and privacy on the 6 acre property. It was nice to just enjoy the cabin for a change. We did not have any construction projects or repair jobs to do this trip. Maybe next time.

Jon & Jolynn Lee & Travis, Alyssa, Hannah and Max

[Picture of the bear]

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June 28, 2005

June 28, 2005

Ann interesting thing happened today. It had begun to rain a little bit and I had moved the lounge chair inside and was reading and looking out of the open door. I heard a sond in the distance – something between a rumble and a roar. It came closer and I went to the door to see. The sound came closer and louder. The hail, for that is what it was, slammed into the cabin and you can imagine the noise on the tin roof. The hail stones were as big as marbles. I ran out to get a cupful and was almost beaten to death. I should have waited. The hail storm soon passed over and I could still hear the rumble as it headed toward Cedar Breaks. It is totally silent now. All the ground is covered with what looks like moth balls. If I am able to stir myself I will put on my shoes and walk out and see what I can see… or not. You will notice Jennie, that I make no mention of Bears. — Uncle Jim

–one hour later—what hailstorm? Gone without a trace. I still have the cupful of hailstones but I don’t think they will make it home. I don’t usually take pictures but this time I wish I had. It was amazing.

Note to Uncle Rol, If the naughty squirrel had appeared I was ready to throw a bottle at him – what kind of bottle? – none of your business.

Uncle Jim

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April 9, 2005

9 April
The new front door looks great! I parked in the road. Still large snow banks in the drive. Everything looks great except that some furniture seems to have disappeared

Love Uncle Jim

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March 18, 2005

18 March 2005
We came to check on the cabin. It’s still winter but everything looks good. We parked out on the road and walked in through the mud and snow. We can hear running water down in the gulley!

Roland & Nellie

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December 2, 2004

2 Dec 04
We came to close up the cabin for the winter. We are late – winter is here! The water is frozen in the bottles. We will fix the door – lock up and come again in the spring.

Roland and Nellie

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October 3, 2004

October 3, 2004
Here we are enjoying the beautiful fall colors and listening to the word of the Lord (of conference) at the cabin. We have had a wonderful time introducing Matthew to the cabin for the first time. He loves to explore and play and eat gravel. (ew!) Bringing my own little one to the cabin has been a special experience and it seems strange that so much time has flown by since I was just a little one tottering around at the cabin with Grandma & Grandpa Rogers. Notable experiences for me this trip were a nature walk with Jennie Emma & Matty, having my hair braided in traditional cabin fashion by mom, receiving an art lesson from Dad, watching Phil rig a hammock from the big tree to the tailgate of his truck, watching a beautiful storm roll in over the cabin, gabbing with Jennie & Mom while the boys went to priesthood meeting. Swinging on the big swing with Matty as the sun came up, and enjoying the fall leaves & view from the outhouse! ☺ How blessed we are to have this place to enjoy together & pass on memories to another generation. Happy times. ☺

Jana Cherry

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October 1, 2004

1 Oct 2004

We made it back and this time we will be joined by the Cherry Family and the Maestri Family. We intend to fix doors, re-roof the outhouse, haul away some garbage — just small chores this time because we are here to enjoy the beauty and peacefulness and to listen to General Conference. It’s a little chilly at night but amazingly beautiful all day long. We are grateful for the blessing of this cabin.

Rol & Nel

Early Oct. 2004
Now that the weather has cooled off, we have come back to the cabin. Wahoo! What a perfect place to come to hear conference. Hearing the word of the Lord in such a beautiful place really is something special. Like being in the temple.
This has been such a great weekend. The weather was beautiful & the kids had a fantastic time. A beautiful storm is threatening and we don’t want to leave. Alas, however, we must go.

– Jason, Jennie & Emma Maestri

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September 25, 2004

25 Sept 2004
We came to the cabin to put a new metal roof on the Honeymoon cabin. It was a great experience in team work. Roland worked up on the roof and I handed him the sheets of metal. We ran out of battery power just as we ran out of energy so all worked out well. We’ll try to get back here next week to finish up a few more projects.

We love it here,
Roland and Nellie

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September 6, 2004


Hey, Hey, Hey! This is Lacey Rogers (daughter of Ed and Kathy Rogers), it has been a long time since I have been here ar the cabin. The last time I was here I was 8, now I am 13. We are having a Rogers family reunion. Today I went 4 wheeling and I crashed twice but one of the crashes is supposed to be a secret so I can’t tell anyone about it (except for the people there). All I will tell you is that I ALMOST died. Well, I’m thinking its time for another four-wheeling drive! See ya next year!
Love Lacey Rogers
(Drawing with caption – I had to drive down something like this!!!


Dear Journal,
My name is Kaden Rogers, son of Ben and Michele Rogers. The last time I was here was when I was 10, and now I’m 13. Today “w/Lacey” we went 4 wheeling . Our other cousin Rosy Terry was the one who almost killed her and Lacey. The went down the hill “imaged below and to the left” and then flipped it over. Us people @ the top of the hill thought they were dead. The same 4 wheeler ran out of gas, so we left them there to die! Me, Danny (our other cousin) and my sister Bree (and Kurtis) went back to camp howlin up and down the hills in 4th gear goin 30 mph. Well, I’m leavin w/ Lacey now to get in some more wreck! I’ll write back next year @ the next family reunion.
Yesterday night, the whole family got together and talked about Grandpa, and their memories here. It was great to hear true stories!


Dear Journal,
I almost got killed going 30mph over hills (steep) hills going up and with a passenger on the back. Me, my cousins (Curtis, Bree, Lacey, Kaden) all went on a trail and almost died. Rosie and Lacey crashed and then we flipped them over but when we flipped the quad over it was out of gas. The we left them Me Bree and Kaden and Kurtis left Lacey and Rose. And we went back to camp. We found Jake’s 4 wheeler in a tree and his helmet was under the 4 wheeler. We though he was dead but he came walking through a clearing. Then we drove away and made it to camp safe.

Daniel Walter


Two years ago I brough my wife and kids back to the cabin. It was my kids first trip, my oldest was 11. It had been 12 years since I had been there at that point. I realized then how many memories I have been missing out on not taking advantage of the cabin. The memories I could reflect back on and the memories I can make for my own kids. Mom & Ned came up with us two years ago and it was nice to have here there. I miss having my dad and grandpa around at the cabin. The many trips we made to help remodel the main cabin and build the teen cabin. It is so easy to find peace here and to find a place to stand in awe of the beauty of this land and the brilliant colors. Thank you Uncle Roland & Aunt Nellie for allowing us to renew the memories. This weekend was the first time our whole family has been here in at least 15 years. We had a testimony meeting on Sunday and the spirit was intense. We knew our past members felt of our love for them. I hope we can now continue with this experience, renew ourselves, and return again. I hope we can be included in some Ben F Rogers reunions, if anything that we can do to help keep up the place, just ask!

Ben Rogers & Family
Michele, Kaden, Bree, Josh, Tia, Kolby

September 6, 04

What an experience! I saw cousins that I haven’t seen for years. It was awesome. I missed not being here with my Dad, but it was still a great time. Me and Lacey were having a fun time on the four wheeler until we crashed (not) I wrote that just because I wanted to feel cool! Ha! Ha! ☺ I stayed in a ten and I stunk everyone out. Thanks for the wonderful stay!

Rose Terry

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August 28, 2004

Saturday, August 28th
Alyssa Lee came to the cabin with Grandma and Grandpa, Jodi & Kyle and Kade-o. My mom, my dad, and my “brotha” and Hannah.

This is a picture of my friend Katarina. I like when she plays at my house and has a tea party.

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