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Fourth of July frivolity

Posted by on July 6, 2011

Hooray for the red, white and blue!

Posted by Ashley Hartley

we had an excellent time over the 4th at the cabin! A few highlights were:
– baseball in the courtyard with Rowan and Jackson smashing big home runs
– campfires with s’mores made from reeses peanut butter cups
– two rattlesnake withholds
– three “cabin breakfasts” featuring pork products, eggs and chili sauce
– a fourth of July celebration with flag ceremony,songs and solos, recitations and a courtyard parade, also a nighttime glowstick parade that turned into a wild chase game as the kids were pursued by the British (Ruskin and his parents Derrick and Barbara Hartley visiting from England yelling “the British are coming!”)
– swimming and canoeing at Clear Creek and seeing Jon Lee and family
– enjoying the relatively cool days which were a bit overcast and very pleasant
– seeing the big horned sheep in Zion and driving through the tunnels with windows open to let in tunnel bugs (bugs in tunnels that tickle young children)

I could go on and on. It was a wonderful four days! Hooray for the cabin!

The British are coming…the British are here!



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