Sept 6th
What I saw.
10 (ten) turkeys crossing the road in front of the Rocking R. Turkeys are lucky. 10 times lucky. They were not alarmed nor did they hurry. I stopped the car and waited until they passed on their way to Fox’s.
Reading my book on the deck, a doe and fawn came down the road past the big pine tree. The doe stopped and the fawn availed himself of a little nursing time, then behind them came a two point buck in velvet. They mooched along nibbling the grass down into the gully. Very cool stuff. Later. It was almost dark but not quite (actually it is really dark) so I had to light the lantern, which is against my policy, but this is important. I went for a walk down the road past Odin and cut through at Coe’s. I was walking along Beaver Road when a beautiful doe came out of the trees and began walking along beside me. Not close enough to touch but almost. We walked along together for a while she would nibble and I would watch. After awhile she cut away across the meadow and I continued on home. Either I am becoming feral or the wild beasts are becoming tame. Either way I feel like Mowgli. Now I’m home watching the stars come out one by one as the light blue night becomes the black night.
Last night when I was walking and met the deer I wore my river sandals with a distinctive tread. This morning I went a different way, down the gully to the old water tank. But not through the fence into the park. That is still scary in there. On the way home I came back down the front road. Across my tracks were myriad turkey tracks right on top. They came down the drive across the yard and down the gully. It must have been very early this morning because I was outside on the deck until dark. (dang)
Tonight while making my dinner, I heard the sound of the whiffling of really huge wings. It is almost dark (time flies by when you’re having fun) down the gully they came.
Off the back of the deck are two huge snags. Into these snags flew at least 8 turkeys. These are wild turkeys boys and girls and they can fly like anything. There they perched for a long time while I ate my pork chops. I was forced to turn on the lantern again (against my policy) so I could eat my dinner. When I turned it off they were still there, still and silent. It was their night roost. I must get up early early and see if they are still there…
They were…
I have to go home now. Goodbye, cabin. It has been great as always.
Uncle Jim
[ Actual Turkey Feather folded between the pages]