5 May 2004 HOT!
Well, we sure hope Uncle Jim made it home okay. We’d sure miss his record entries if he didn’t. Jennie and Jason came up for an overnighter and we invited our good friends Cory, Laura & Johnathan. They are going to stay tonight too, but we are leaving. Hope the cabin survives…he..he… Oh! This is Emma’s first trip to the cabin, so she’s here too. Her paranoid parents brought her pack-n-play with a mosquito netting over the top. That’s where she slept, and sleep she did! She slept all night. What a good girl! Emma is having a good time. She loves being outside and enjoys all the new sounds, sights & smells. Sheesh, that makes her sound like a dog. She sure is cute! So it was 108 degrees F when we left St. George yesterday at 4:00pm. It’s very hot here too, but not that bad. Us northerners are melting, though. Anyway, we need to get going, so I’ll wrap up. We didn’t get killed by any bears or lions. We didn’t even hear or see any. Oh well. We did hear a wild beast of some sort in the kitchen. It ran away when we came in though. Well, until the fall (when it cools off), we’ll leave you.
Jennie, Jason & Emma Maestri