Posted by Ashley Hartley
we had an excellent time over the 4th at the cabin! A few highlights were:
– baseball in the courtyard with Rowan and Jackson smashing big home runs
– campfires with s’mores made from reeses peanut butter cups
– two rattlesnake withholds
– three “cabin breakfasts” featuring pork products, eggs and chili sauce
– a fourth of July celebration with flag ceremony,songs and solos, recitations and a courtyard parade, also a nighttime glowstick parade that turned into a wild chase game as the kids were pursued by the British (Ruskin and his parents Derrick and Barbara Hartley visiting from England yelling “the British are coming!”)
– swimming and canoeing at Clear Creek and seeing Jon Lee and family
– enjoying the relatively cool days which were a bit overcast and very pleasant
– seeing the big horned sheep in Zion and driving through the tunnels with windows open to let in tunnel bugs (bugs in tunnels that tickle young children)
I could go on and on. It was a wonderful four days! Hooray for the cabin!