October 12, 2003
Dear Jennie I am dessicated with mortification that I caused your irrational fears. Another manifestation of the law of unintended consequences. I’m so sorry. But it didn’t spoil your whole holiday did it? I didn’t think so. The spirit of Grandma hustling around is strong sometimes isn’t it. Not scary like ghosts but sweet like … Continue reading
October 5, 2003
Oct 5, 2003 Uncle Jim, that squirrel friend of yours is one bold little fellow! I chased him away from the door countless times, only to have him retreat a pitiful 3 or 4 feet away and plop down in the shade, waiting for me to turn my back. Jason finally took pity on him … Continue reading
September 28, 2003
This is PATHETIC. We send you to the finest schools and give you the best education available and you write 7 lines in CRAYON. It is the end of civilization as we know it. -Uncle Jim This is the end of the ass chewing. I have events of more force and moment to report. “A … Continue reading
September 13, 2003
9/13/03 We came and played and ate and laughed – The jim lee’s The jon lees The maestris & The simmons 9/13/03 Bees! There are lots of bees this trip. Jon got stung twice. Keanon got stung too. Where do they come from? The Lees, Simmons, & Maestris
August 15, 2003
Aug 15-20 2003 I have come here to decompress from the stressful life of a party animal. Ihave been on the road or in the air for a month or more. I am pooped. This is the place to re-group and meditate and set new goals and what kind of twoddle am I talking. This … Continue reading
July 5, 2003
July 5 & 6, 2003 Michael & LuAnne Forrest stayed at the cabin. This was the first time Michael had seen the cabins and the first time LuAnne came with a partner! Last night sitting on the lounge chair with a blanket around us looking at the stars, the milky way and counting shooting stars … Continue reading
May 18, 2003
18 May 2003 There are four entries in this journal for 2002. You are not listening to me. Don’t put the journal in the drawer any more. Leave it on the table with a pen. Please not just a note or something, okay? I was here once in March and froze myself. This is not … Continue reading
August 14, 2002
14 August 2002 As you reported Auntie Nell, the no-see-ums are here. They have annoyed me but have not made me bitter. A cultural note: The flowers in the washtub garden were dug up and scattered about. They were not eaten or harmed, just dug up. I cleaned up the massacre site and replanted the … Continue reading
July 21, 2002
July 21,22,23 2002 Important things first. There was a whole heard of Bighorn Sheept strolling down the wash next to the road in the park. One big daddy, some mothers with small kids and a few teenagers. I got out and sat on the edge of the wash and watched them mooch along eating some … Continue reading
June, 2002
Wow! Holy Cow! Oh my gosh! I think I’m gonnna cry! Came up to the cabin late last night because Jon called and said he’d left Dad up here and I needed to come get him. I didn’t even know they’d gone to the cabin. What an incredible surprise to find the cabin chores from … Continue reading