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2017 Winter Snow Damage

Posted by on May 10, 2017

We were shocked at the amount of damage our Ponderosa Pine Trees had over the winter. We think in addition to the heavy snows, there was a huge wind or tornado that swept through our property in a line of trees completely bent to the ground or broken off. We hired an ex-logger, Richard Esplin, to come and cut up all the downed trees as well as cut down the big dead snag by the honeymoon cabin. We’ve been working to clean up and get the cabin ready for the season. There are still a number of big branches that are broken and hung up in the ponderosas, so watch out. Other than that, spring is here and everything is greening up nicely. So come enjoy.

Some trees were bent clear to the ground

Thanks to Christian for hauling all the logs and stacking the woodpile. At least we’ll have some wood next year. Thanks to Richard Esplin and his chain saw for cutting up the fallen trees.

Really huge branches just missed the Honeymoon Cabin

The Lee Kids climb all over the big snag that is now a permanent part of the cabin landscape


Max climbs on the big snag

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