“That which does not kill us, only makes us strong”
Run that by me again.
“That which does not kill us, only makes us strong.”
As we speak I am teetering between towering strength and death. I pulled into the Rocking R 3 days ago with my little car boiling and smoking. Something is dreadfully wrong.
I unpacked, read my books, wrote some things, had a couple of really gourmet dinners, walked around a little, had some really nice naps and now must face reality. I can’t make it home without my car burning up. I am many miles from help. I just checked my AAA card and it expired July 1, 2003. Everything I know about automotive repair would fit in your ear. Is this the time when living a blameless life and believing in a merciful God pays off? We’ll find out won’t we. “Oooh Boy”
-Uncle Jim