October 27, 2001
Today we celebrated the first annual Roland Lee Family reunion. We all arrived Friday evening and had a yummy fajita dinner provided by Jodi & Kyle (Simmons) & Jennie. Jon, Jolynn, Travis, and Alyssa slept in the newly fixed up teen cabin. Grandpa Roland & Gramma Nellie in the honeymoon cabin, and Jim, Barb, Christian, Kayson, Jodi, Kyle, Jennie & Jana slept in the main cabin. Saturday morning we woke up to a great cabin breakfast and the smell of bacon provided by Jon and Jolynn. Jana made a huge “Lee Family Reunion” banner and we all put our handprints on it and signed our names. Then we hung it up along the east side of the main cabin and took family photos. Gramma was in charge of the fun and games. We played penny-toss, neckin’ apples, life saver pass, egg-spoon relay, hanging donut chow, and a special festive torch relay. We also did a “pledge allegiance” to the flag. The kids had fun eating treats, playing in the back of grandpa’s truck, swinging on the swing & playing in the hammock. Then we had lunch provided by Jim & Barb & then Jon & Jolynn had to head home to get ready for the rest of our festivities there. Tonight’s plans include Travis’ birthday party, pumpkin carving, and a BYU football game.
Other events of great significance: We had a rummy tournament Friday night and the winners were: 1st game – Gramma Nellie, 2nd game: Jon – this is the first time anyone can remember Jon winning a rummy game, so we felt it needed to be recorded.
Jim Lee