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October 8, 2000

Posted by on October 8, 2000

Oct 8, 2000
A big group of us from the BYU 41st ward (et. al) came up for the conference weekend. Most arrived Friday evening, but a load of us came on Friday night. We arrived at the Ponderosa at about 1am, with Jennie’s map in hand. We took it a little too literally, and got horribly lost. Jason just got a new SUV, so he felt good about driving over low bushes and small trees. I don’t think we ever saw a road for about 45 minutes. Finally, after a prayer, we went back to the main road and started again. After two minutes, we pulled up to the cabin circa 2am. Janelle came out to meet us and help us get settled. I suspect that Jason got lost on purpose to try out his new wheels. Can’t say I blame him; I had fun driving it too. P.S. To the old man of the mountain: keep up the entries; they’re the best thing I’ve read in ages. May the squirrels be cooperative and the wild turkeys be plentiful.
Annalee Tyler – friend of Jennie

Oct 8, 2000
Few things compare to staying at the Lee(etc) family cabin. I am happy to have shared this experience with so many pleasant people and trees. That is all I can say at this time.
Thank you.
S. Cory Harmon

Oct 8, 2000
Tim Zeidner (Pal o’ Jennie for the sake of casativity)

2nd trip down to the cabin. I’m devising ways to become an actual part of the Lee Family so that I can assure myself of future opportunities. 1st trip was glorious (with the exception of some incredibly painful chaffing provoked by a long, wet Narrow’s hike. Side note: someone lent me some lotion, but failed to tell me it had alcohol in it. I screamed like a little girl) back to the story. Silly me decided to jump off the waterfall in the narrows and messed up my ankles. Mentality switched from pleasure to survival. And I did, as evidenced by me writing in this. I was, however, rendered an old man from the hike. A sight that would have, no doubt, been hilarious had it not been me.

Trip two brings us down for conference weekend (noted by Annalee) Few places on this Earth compare to this opportunity. (There is a little spot in Gooseberry, up Fairview Canyon, but that’s another story) Wonderful food (the women were primarily the cooks – constantly chasing me out of their “kitchen”) Now I’m rambling.

Now that I’ve somehow connived my way into two visits, next object is to actually meet the whole Lee clan (including Uncle Jim, especially Uncle Jim) Met Jodi. A delight. And, of course, Jennie. An absolute treasure. Few people compare and none are even nearly alike. Kudos to having been a part of shaping this beautiful, wonderful friend. (Maybe that’ll get me an invite to the Lee family gathering).

Well, I’ve said my piece (and then some, but I’m known as a talker) ‘Til the next time save a spot with a nice view for me.
Tim Zeidner

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