All of you with cabin fever, take note. Nellie and I with a few of our grandkids opened up the cabin this week, filled the water bottles, and uncovered Mr. Bear. We are officially open for business. Everything looks great. The days are warm but the nights are cooold (28 degrees). The new cabin rules for this year are:
1. No electronic devices during the day. Approved activities are: hiking, Lincoln logs, games, crafts, painting rocks, reading books, nature study, building forts, and playing outside. Devices okay at night if parents approve.
2. We are asking for families to contribute $20 per visit to help with upkeep. If you can’t afford it, it’s free.
3. Have lots of fun!!

Diggy and Becca are the first grandkids in the Tree House this year. The treehouse looks good, but the ladder needs some repairs.